2011/46 Numerous fixed-term contracts: difference between ‘continuous’ and ‘successive’ employment (IR)
Under the Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003, the Labour Court was required to determine whether a former employee of the Irish Civil Service (Mr Beary), who had numerous fixed-term contracts between 2002 and 2008, was entitled to a permanent contract of employment.
The Court also addressed an issue which arose as to whether Ireland had complied with its obligations in implementing Clause 5 of the Framework Agreement annexed to Council Directive 1999/70/EC. The issue arose because the objective of Clause 5 is to combat the abuse of ‘successive’ fixed-term contracts, whereas the 2003 Act is directed at preventing the unlimited use of ‘continuous’ fixed-term contracts.
The Labour Court determined that there was incompatibility between the Framework Agreement and the 2003 Act because although “all periods of employment which are continuous are necessarily successive, not all employment which is successive is necessarily continuous”. The Court concluded that while the former employee had become entitled to a permanent contract, there were objective grounds for not giving the contract.
Labour Court, 2011-01-28